Saturday, June 09, 2007
The Seven Wonders of Canada 2

CBC announced The Seven Wonders of Canda. They are the following (not ranked):
The Canoe
The Igloo
Niagara Falls
Old Quebec City
Pier 21, Halifax
Prairie Skies
The Rockies
Someone pointed out to me that most, if not all, of the Seven Wonders of Canada are not exculsively Canadian. The canoe can be found throughout North America. The igloo is also used in Alaska. The prairie skies and the Rockies extend down into the United States. Niagara Falls is mostly American: all of the American Falls and Bridal Falls and half of the Horseshoe Falls are in the U.S.A. Old Quebec City is pre-Confederation, built by the French before the British took it over. And Pier 21 in Halifax is more about the world coming to Canada than about Canada itself. So Canadian. As Canadian as apple pie.
I still think the city of Mellonville should be on it. And Farley Mowat....
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