Sunday, December 17, 2006



Sunday afternoon we went for a walk along the Welland Canal
near Lock 2. The canal between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario has
eight locks and allows ships to climbed and descend the Niagara
Escarpment. It usually closes for the winter at the end of
December and opens again in April.

We took photos of the salty Goviken, a bulker carrier salt
water ship, registered in the Bahamas, built in 1987 in Rijeka,
Yugoslavia, 730 feet long, operated by Fednav International Ltd.,
with its head office in Montreal. Originally called Omisalj
(former owners: Viken Lakers AS, Norway.), it was returning
from Lake Superior empty where it probably delivered iron

As you can see, ship spotting is a favourite activity for those
living along the Welland Canal. John has always lived within a
mile or so of the Welland Canal and you'll never know what you
might see going through the locks.

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